Monday, November 11, 2013

APPLE: Apple Set Release iPhones with Curved Screens!

According to Bloomberg, which cites "a person familiar with the plans," Apple is designing new versions of its flagship smartphone that would feature larger displays and screens that "curve downward at the edges."
The report says the designs are available in two display sizes: 4.7 inches and 5.5 inches, which would match competitors such as Samsung's Galaxy S4 and its 5-inch screen. The screens would also be pressure-sensitive, able to distinguish between heavy and light presses.
Apple did not comment on Bloomberg's report.
Two months ago, Apple launched two new smartphones in its iPhone lineup: the low-cost 5c and the 5s featuring upgrades in processing speed as well as a fingerprint sensor. The company says more than 9 million iPhones were sold during the devices' opening weekend.
However, competitors continue to mount pressure on Apple with smartphones featuring larger screens, such as Samsung and Google. More companies are also experimenting with curved screens. Last month, Samsung introduced the Galaxy Round with 5.7-inch curved display.

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