Monday, October 28, 2013

VIDEO: Giant 'Sea Serpent' that Sparked Earthquake Fears...

VIDEO: Giant 'Sea Serpent' that Sparked Earthquake Fears...

The 14ft Oarfish washed up on a beach in California - just days after an even bigger oarfish was found.

Now tweeters have linked the sighting to an ancient Japanese legend that links oarfish sightings  to tremors.
Sightings of the snake-like fish, that live in deep water, are extremely rare, and boffins are baffled as to the appearance of two of them in the space of days.
However, scientists aren't convinced of the earthquake link.
The fish was dissected to test for any signs of disease, but none could be found - although there are tests being done for radiation following the Fukushima nuclear leak, just on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.
The oarfish can grow to sizes of 15 metres and lives in depths of up to 1000m.

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