Monday, October 28, 2013

Medical License: Conrad Murray Files To Reinstate

Medical License: Conrad Murray Files To Reinstate

Two years after being convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson,Conrad Murray is set to be released from jail on Monday.
Murray was sentenced to four years in jail for involuntary manslaughter after he treated Michael Jackson with the powerful surgical anesthetic drug propyfol. He is scheduled to be released two years early due to good behavior.
Even before his release date, Murray is already looking to get back into medicine. Lawyers for the former doctor have filed petitions in Texas to have his medical license reinstated.
Texas officially revoked Murray's license in August -- the first state to do so -- following his trial. His medical licenses in California and Nevada have already been suspended following his arrest. According to Murray's attorney Valarie Wass, the California medical board will wait until all appeals have been exhausted before making their decision on revoking his license.
Wass said he is hopeful he will be vindicated on appeal and that he will be able to practice medicine again.
"He's going to fight it. I think it will be very difficult in California if they uphold the judgment," Wass told "He's very hopeful. He's going to practice medicine somewhere is my understanding … He's prepared to go to federal court to fight."
Murray's Texas attorney, Charles Peckham, told they were hoping to reverse the revocation of Murray's license, since the California Medical Board was waiting until the appeals process was over making a final decision.
"Dr. Murray's position is and always been he will be vindicated in all of this," Peckham said. "He is a good doctor and he needs to get back to the practice of medicine for the patients who need it."
Earlier comments that Murray would pursue getting his medical license sparked Katherine Jackson's attorney, Brian Panish, to say in a statement sent to ABC News affiliate KABC-TV, "It is clear Conrad Murray was hired by AEG and killed Michael Jackson. We hope he can never practice medicine again and will not violate his Hippocratic oath and hurt another patient."

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