Monday, October 28, 2013

Make Savings on Practically Everything!!!

Make Savings on Practically Everything!!!

1- Surprising, easy secrets to saving money.
Setting and sticking to a budget is a good way to see where your money goes, but tracking every little thing can be daunting. That's one reason many people give up on their budgets. It's easier to stick to a plan if you start small or make a few key changes to save money.
Whether it's budgeting or looking for savings on the things you buy regularly, there are easy, quick fixes and some surprising secrets to spending less and saving more on everything from gas to credit card fees abroad to lunch.
2- Yes, you can balance your budget - with lunch

Think about how much you spend each day on that mid-day meal. You might be surprised. For instance, in Rio de Janeiro, people spend an average of $8.80 each day. In New York, it's nearly $11 per day.
But experts say that by rethinking lunch, you could easily add $1,500 to your savings annually. And you won't go hungry, either. Watch to find out how much people spend on lunch and learn simple changes that can help you save.
3- Could you live without a car?
As hourly car rentals, taxi-hailing apps and car-sharing services become more popular, some drivers - even in locales where cars are the prevalent form of transport - are finding ownership unnecessary.
Robust public transportation and easy access to necessities, coupled with the high costs of everything from tolls to parking have long led to car-free living in places like New York, Singapore and many European capitals. But, emerging transport options - think Uber, Halo, RelayRides and Zipcar - are spreading to cities where having a car had been a near-necessity. At the same time, the cost of car ownership is rising.
These developments have made the decision to ditch four wheels an easier one, even in cities where being car-free was nearly unthinkable in the past.
4- Or… fill your gasoline tank for less with these tricks
It is difficult to build a budget around fuel costs. Prices constantly fluctuate and driving conditions are unpredictable.
Norwegians have it particularly tough as they pay some the highest fuel prices in the world at kr59.72 per gallon ($10.08). No matter where you buy your fuel, however, there are some tips and tricks you may never have considered that you can use to keep your hard earned money from flowing into your tank.
For instance, did you know that buying gas at a certain time of day will give you more miles out of a tank of fuel? Watch: Save on gas in 90 Seconds for more on that and other tricks.
5- What Spaniards can teach you about saving on groceries
You could be throwing away thousands of dollars a year without even realizing it. How? Just take a close look at your cupboard. If you consistently pass over generic store brand items for name brand ones, you are losing the opportunity to save big.
Overall, consumers can save between 15 and 30 percent on average by trading in big name items for store brands. Of course, some items offer bigger savings than the rest. Before you thumb your nose and complain about taste differences, you might be surprised who, exactly, makes that generic.
You'll barely notice the difference, except in your wallet. Watch to find out how-and where-to save big at the supermarket.

6- Cut credit card fees when travelling abroad
You spend hours planning a trip internationally, but how much time do you spend thinking about what you'll do for money when you get there?
Many of us rely on credit cards when we travel, but may be surprised how quickly fees rack up. A few simple steps before you leave for the airport can save you money and hassles when you pull out the plastic overseas.

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